Fiskor – Lekor Chips
Fiskor is a contemporary Malaysian cracker brand which uses cutting edge technology in the production of lekor chips. With roots in the traditional manufacturing process, we have since evolved, making chips that are more appealing on a globalscale diversifying from typical home grown brands.
On-Page Optimization
Achieving a Stellar 90+ Score for Fiskor Lekor Chips. Our Pingdom performance test results proudly showcase a remarkable 90 score. This signifies the efficiency and speed of our website, making the E-commerce experience for our customers smooth and responsive.
Key On-Page Features:
1. User-Friendly Interface
2. Mobile Responsiveness
3. Optimized Content
6-Months SERP Success
See the progress! Over the past six months, Fiskor has risen in search results.
Google Search Console Performance
Explore the remarkable 6-month journey of Fiskor on Google Search Console. Witness the surge in online visibility, improved search rankings, and enhanced user engagement that has propelled our institute to new heights.
Techniques We use:
1. Keywords Research
2_ Content Writing and Editing
3. Image Optimization
4_ Google Integration
5. Blog Posting
6. Internal & Extemal Linking
T Backlinks
8- Weekly Report